Feb 1st - Feb 7th

  • Another week of daily exercise, another week of better mood.
  • I usually do my share of the house cleaning on the weekends, which feels like a dreadful activity that’s following me around until I get it done (even though all I want to do is chill). I decided to try do my cleaning on Thursdays instead, and this week I had a weekend all to myself, which felt much nicer.
  • On Saturday we went on a long walk and picked up burgers on our way back home. It was a very nice – yet cold – day out and I very much enjoyed it. I find going on daily walks has strengthened my tolerance to weather changes and I don’t mind the cold as much anymore as long as I’m wearing the right clothing for it.
  • I’m still not reading as much as I’d like to, but I’m trying to chill out a bit about that, as I’m working on new habits that are also healthy and I believe have greater impact on my current life (daily exercise and learning piano).
  • At work, I have continued to document what I do every day. I have to admit I’m not as consistent as I’d like to be, so that’s something I’ll continue working on.
  • We have started watching Homeland, which I guess is now considered an old show. So far we’re enjoying it, but it’s early days.
  • I’m still reading the same books I’ve been reading for the last six weeks, so I won’t even bother listing them. Movie-wise, this week we’ve watched The trial of the Chicago 7 and Guess who’s coming to dinner, both of them good films.