Oct 12th - Oct 18th

  • This week I stumbled upon Yeonmi Park’s Youtube channel and I binged half of her channel, watched a few interviews with her and got her book from the library. I only knew the basics about the North Korean regime, but learning more about that has opened up my eyes to other things as well that go beyond the politics of one country and can apply to a myriad of things both personal and political.
  • I have started playing the ukulele with regularity. At the moment I have to keep it to 10 mins a day because my finger tips really hurt - I have no previous experience with string instruments.
  • I’m continuing to journal daily, and have found a list of daily questions and daily writing prompts to get the ball rolling.
  • We have started watching Ramon Gener’s This is Opera and we have also watched Orson Welles’ The Lady from Shanghai (1947), which I didn’t like, and Lulu Wang’s comedy The Farewell about a Chinese family dealing with the elderly grandmother’s diagnosis of cancer, which I enjoyed very much.
  • I finished reading The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett, which tells the story of two fair-skinned black twins in the 60s and how one of them abandons the other in order to live her life passing as a white woman. I found the premise of the book very interesting and would recommend it.